Event Archeologiczny 2020

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1050px-ARCHEOLOGY A Loading Screen 2020.jpg

'Pradawne ruiny oczekują na dzielnych odkrywców. Pora odkurzyć pędzle, łopaty i dynamity, aby być gotowym sięgnąć w głąb korytarzy przepełnionych bogactwami.'

Allage archeology edward.png

Jak wziąć udział w evencie?

Po rozpoczęciu się Eventu Archeologicznego, otrzymasz dostęp do okna eventowego. Łap więc łopatę i w drogę!


Okno eventu

Po otwarciu okna eventu zobaczysz układ korytarzy czekający na eksplorację. Jak widać, okno eventu zawiera 6 głównych elementów. Są to:

  1. W lewym górnym rogu znajduje się 30px-Archeology scroll.pngLicznik zwoi, przedstawia on posiadana obecnie ich ilość. Zawsze możesz zwiększyć ich ilość za Diamenty klikając w:Plusbutton.png.
  2. Po prawej od zwoi znajduje się Główna nagroda oraz kolejne dwie jakie będą do zdobycia wraz z postępem w eksploracji. Kolejna nagroda będzie dostępna po zebraniu 20 Złotych bożków.
  3. Obok Nagrody głównej znajduje się nagroda dzienne. Zmienia się ona codziennie i można ją znajdować w wazonach
  4. W prawym górnym rogu jest wejście do Twojego muzeum, w którym gromadzone są tabliczki znalezione w jaskini.
  5. Po lewej znajduje się okno z posiadanymi narzędziami.vWidać tam ile obecnie posiadaszArcheology tool brush.pngPędzli, Archeology tool shovel.pngŁopat i Archeology tool dynamite.pngDynamitu).
  6. Finally, on the right side is the main area of the event, where all the fun takes place. Use your tools to dust the tiles off, advance in the cave, unveil golden statues and vases.

ToolsArchInstructions3.png EventWindowHoverVase.jpg

As you can't clear stone tiles, make sure you plan ahead to use your tools effectively. You will be in with a chance to unveil a vase, more tools (Brushes, Shovels and Dynamite) to aid your progress, or coveted Golden Idols. Hover your mouse over vases to find out what is on offer in each one. Once you've uncovered a reward fully, click on it to claim your prize. Be careful! Once you go too far, there is no going back, and you'll lose sight of the reward.

Once you reach 20 Gold Idols, you will receive the Grand Prize which is displayed at the top of the event window.

To collect an uncovered prize, click on it with no tool selected. Alternatively, uncovered prizes will automatically be collected when they get pushed out of the event window. Keep in mind however that still covered prizes will not be collected this way!

The Museum

As you dig your way through the depths, you'll notice something is different about this cave. While advancing through the ancient ruin you may find rare clay tablets. With each you can start an optional questline with a special reward at the end. These quests are not added towards the Archaeology Event counter. Finishing each clay tablet grants you the Historian Reward. This also means that you'll be able to potentially work on multiple quests simultaneously.


There are four "Common Tablets", three "Silver Tablets" and one "Golden Tablet" to be found. The Silver Tablets hereby are rarer than the Common Tablets and the Golden Tablet is rarer than the Silver Tablet. The questlines of different tablets may be activated at the same time. The quest line of the same tablet may be repeated as many times as the tablet was found.

Common Tablets Reward icon archeology clay tablet normal 1.png Reward icon archeology clay tablet normal 2.png Reward icon archeology clay tablet normal 3.png Reward icon archeology clay tablet normal 4.png
Silver Tablets Reward icon archeology clay tablet silver 1.png Reward icon archeology clay tablet silver 2.png Reward icon archeology clay tablet silver 3.png
Golden Tablet Reward icon archeology clay tablet gold 1.png


The Archaeology Event offers you the chance to win a whole host of prizes, as well as some brand new rewards.


Many different treasures await you on your way through the tomb, but they are buried in the sand. To see them, the light of your exploration needs to fall on the sand tiles. If they're in darkness still, you won't be able to see if a sand tile contains treasures.

Before After

As you uncover tiles, you will be in with a chance to unveil a vase, more tools (Brushes, Shovels and Dynamite) to aid your progress, a Clay Tablet, or coveted Golden Idols. Hover your mouse over vases to find out what is on offer in each one. Once you've uncovered a reward fully, click on it to claim your prize. Be careful! Make sure you don't advance deeper into the tunnel without uncovering the rewards you want. Once you go too far, there is no going back, and you'll lose sight of the reward.

Reward icon grand prize archeology event.png Golden Idols are a special prize to uncover that will bring you closer to the Grand Prize reward. Once you reach 20 Golden Idols, you will receive the Grand Prize which is displayed at the top of the event window.
ToolCollection.png Tools can also be found among the buried treasures. You can find all the tools of the event!
Archeology chest 12.png Vases come in a variety of different styles. Once uncovered, they will have a random reward for you and provide the chance to win the Daily Special. Tapping the buried vase or hovering the mouse over it also reveals what it may contain.
Archeology event info 3.png Clay Tablets While advancing through the ancient ruin you may find rare clay tablets. With each you can start an optional questline with a special reward at the end. These quests are not added towards the Archaeology Event counter. Finishing each clay tablet grants you the Historian Reward.

Getting more tools

You can find more tools in the tomb itself, but there is also a way to exchange your event scrolls for more tools. Press the Link=-Button to open the Tool Shop. Here, you can either purchase single tools for your scrolls or buy bundles that give you a better deal!

Tool Shop.png

Scrolls themselves can be gained as a daily login bonus and from Quests in the Archaeology Event.

Archaeology Event Questline

There are 60 quests in total to aid your progress which come in two questlines. The Main Questline with 39 rush quest and the Daily Questline, which will give you 1 quest for the remaining days of the event. These Quests will stack until you have completed the Main Questlines. So you will not miss any if you do not complete the Main Questlines on the first day.
Every solved quest grants you some Scrolls. The quests have to be solved in the order they are presented, and no quests are abortable. Additionally, for this Event extra Quests can be found in every tablet that you collect, once a tablet is opened the Quest inside cannot be aborted.


Each completed quest contributes to the counter at the bottom of the quest window,
and you will unlock new prizes at 5, 15, 30, 45 & 60 quests!


Archaelogy Event Rewards


Now that you've established your place in the history books of Archaeological fame, what better way than to draw the crowds, than a magnificent Airship? The Airship is an upgradable building with 11 levels. At level 11, this magnificent feat of human engineering produces coins, population, and when motivated, supplies, Forge Points, Goods, and Guild Treasury Goods

Upgrade kit airship.png To upgrade the Airship, you have to use the Airship Upgrade Kit. These Kits can be obtained in the Archaeology quest line and as part of the Grand Prize.

Airship - Lv. 1

Airship - Lv. 2

Airship - Lv. 3

Airship - Lv. 4

Airship - Lv. 5

Airship - Lv. 6

Airship - Lv. 7

Airship - Lv. 8

Airship - Lv. 9

Airship - Lv. 10

Airship - Lv. 11

Globe Fountain

GlobeFountain ArcheologyBonus20.png The Globe Fountain is a new building in the Event that can be won as a Daily Special. Aside from Happiness, it also provides your city's defense with a defensive boost and a boost to your main city's supplies.

Archaeology Event Avatars

There are three new avatars which can be obtained during the Archaeological questline.

Conrad Conrad Johanna Johanna Morey Morey

Archeology avatar frame sand.png Look out explorers! In this event, even avatars of the past can sometimes be uncovered in the tomb!

Archaeology Event
Archaeology Event
Napoleon Bonaparte
Portrait 325.png Portrait 326.png Portrait 273.png
Eliza Henry Napoleon
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day
Cleopatra Caesar Marcus Antonius
Portrait 189.png Portrait 190.png Portrait 188.png
Portrait 119.png Portrait 120.png Portrait 121.png
Jane Amelia David

The Daily Special

Finally, the Daily Special is a special reward that can be among the vases. It is available for only a limited time and shown on the upper right of the Event Window.