Brązowa Nagroda

Z Forge of Empires - Wiki PL
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Bronze Award.png

- Can NOT be polished
- Renovation Kit needed to upgrade building

Type: Decoration
Size: Icon size.png 1x1
Obtainable From: Ranking prizes for recalculation (right before v1.70)

Age Icon happiness.png Ranking Points.pngPoints
Bronze Age 90 250
Iron Age 155 400
Early Middle Age 172 1,000
High Middle Age 192 2,000
Late Middle Age 214 3,000
Colonial 251 5,000
Industrial Age 283 10,000
Progressive Era 311 15,000
Modern Era 333 25,000
Postmodern Era 347 40,000
Contemporary Era 403 60,000
Tomorrow 489 100,000
The Future 586 160,000
Arctic Future 682 240,000