Space Age Space Hub

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Witajcie w Epoce Kosmicznej: Kosmiczny węzeł.

Kosmiczna podróż ludzkości osiągnęła punkt zwrotny! Po odblokowaniu tajemnic Tytana stoimy teraz na krawędzi naszego największego jak dotąd skoku: możliwości podróżowania poza nasz Układ Słoneczny! Witamy w kolejnym rozdziale naszej epickiej sagi: Epoka Kosmiczna: Kosmiczny węzeł.

W tej nowej erze ludzkość wykorzysta moc zaawansowanej sztucznej inteligencji (SI) do opracowania przełomowych technologii, takich jak kapsuły kriogeniczne do dalekich podróży kosmicznych z prędkością większą niż prędkość światła (FTL)! Te postępy oznaczają początek naszej podróży w celu zbadania odległych galaktyk i ustanowienia naszej obecności poza gwiazdami. Kosmiczny węzeł służy jako centralny węzeł tego przedsięwzięcia, łącząc nas z ogromną przestrzenią galaktyki.

Ale uwaga! Nie wszyscy są gotowi na przyjęcie tej śmiałej, nowej przyszłości. Pojawiła się frakcja znana jako 'Strażnicy Systemu, obawiająca się, że dotarcie ludzkości w nieznane spowoduje niemozliwe do opanowania zagrożenie. Ale postępu w technologii i eksploracji nie da się zatrzymać. Stworzono pierwsze plany kapsuł kriogenicznych, a z pomocą naszej zaawansowanej sztucznej inteligencji jesteśmy o krok od realizacji podróży FTL - wielkiego przełomu w eksploracji międzygwiezdnej!

Przygotuj się na międzygwiezdną podróż i sięgnij głębiej w kosmos niż kiedykolwiek wcześniej, nawigując po niezbadanym kosmosie i stawiając czoła rosnącym napięciom ze Strażnikami Systemu - czy jesteś gotowy poprowadzić ludzkość w galaktyczne głębiny Kosmicznego węzła?

What is new

DarkMatter big.png Goods Buildings Upgrade: Goods buildings will now be able to produce the new special resource - Dark Matter! This resource is essential in this new age, and will be required for upgrading the Cosmic Catalyst, among many other critical uses.
Lifesupport Big.png Enhanced Life Support: While Life Support has been underutilized in previous ages, it now plays a crucial role. If your Life Support status is green, there will be a chance to produce 4x special resources from goods buildings in your colony, following a similar functionality to the goods in Cultural Settlements. The same bonus applies to exploration sites, making Life Support management more rewarding than ever. Larger Life Support buildings will now require special resources to be constructed, adding a new layer of strategy. Only the first Life Support building in your Colony will be exempt from this cost. This change means that maintaining and upgrading your infrastructure is even more interconnected and meaningful!
RessourceBig.png Larger Life Support buildings will now require special resources to be constructed, adding a new layer of strategy. Only the first Life Support building in your Colony will be exempt from this cost. This change means that maintaining and upgrading your infrastructure is even more interconnected and meaningful!

At a glance

Space Age Space Hub

SASH TownHall.png
The Town Hall of the Space Age Space Hub
Technologies 31 Tech icon.png
Forge Points 118 890 Bazaar 5.png
Coins 1 480 000 000 Bazaar 1.png
Supplies 1 250 000 000 Bazaar 0.png
Goods 112 895 Bazaar 4.png
Space Age Space Hub
Spaceport JM.png
Spaceport of the Space Age Space Hub
  • Your new Space Hub station!
  • 60 main storyline quests
  • 45 side quests
  • 15 recurring quests
  • 9 new Avatars
  • 16 new expansions (See details below)
  • 12 premium expansions
  • 2 tech tree expansions
  • 1 campaign expansion
  • 1 Victory expansion
  • 31 new technologies to research
  • 2 new residential buildings
  • 5 new military buildings with all new units (+ Champion)
  • 5 new goods buildings plus a special goods synthesizer
  • 2 new production buildings
  • 2 new culture buildings
  • 1 new decoration
  • 2 new streets
  • 2 new Great Buildings

Great Buildings

Stellar Warship
Stellar Warship
The Stellar Warship is a relic of humanity's intergalactic dominance, once piloted only by the most elite captains. Though it no longer soars through the cosmos, its legacy continues to shape the future. Now repurposed, this mighty vessel serves as a powerful Great Building, offering invaluable support to your forces.
In its new role, The Stellar Warship provides a steady supply of units, much like the legendary Alcatraz, ensuring your armies are always ready for battle. Additionally, it grants boosts to both attack and defense, empowering your forces on the offensive and protecting your city from incoming threats. With The Stellar Warship at your command, your military might will be unmatched, securing your place as a dominant force in the galaxy.
Cosmic Catalyst
Cosmic Catalyst


The Cosmic Catalyst is a marvel of engineering and ingenuity, a structure that many have attempted to create but only a select few have mastered. As the second cornerstone of intergalactic dominance, it stands as a testament to human ambition and technological prowess. Few know how to build it, and even fewer understand the intricacies of operating such a magnificent device.
In its powerful role, The Cosmic Catalyst provides a critical hit chance for your attacking units, stacking with the existing boost from the Arctic Orangery Great Building. This allows your forces to strike with devastating precision, giving you a decisive edge in battle. Additionally, The Cosmic Catalyst contributes Guild Goods directly to your guild treasury, strengthening your collective resources and solidifying your guild's influence across the galaxy.

With The Cosmic Catalyst in your city, you hold the key to unparalleled power and strategic advantage, making it an essential asset in your quest for galactic supremacy.


Space Age Space Hub Units


Main City Buildings

Residential Buildings

Space Age Space Hub Residential Buildings

Production Buildings

Space Age Space Hub Production Buildings

Cultural Buildings

Space Age Space Hub Cultural Buildings


Space Age Space Hub Decorations

Space hub colony Buildings

Your Space Hub becomes accessible as soon as you unlock the first technology on the Space Age: Space Hub Research Tree. This advancement triggers the full independence of your Titan colony and opens up the galaxy for exploration!

Keep in mind that with this progression, your colony on Titan will become unavailable, although the campaign map and story quests from Titan will still be available for completion. Even though direct access to Titan's colony will end, you can continue to produce its era's goods by unlocking the Synthesizers on the Research Tree

As with previous Space Ages, the production of the new era's goods will take place in your Space Hub Colony. In this era, you will need to gather the special resource Dark Matter to produce the goods unique to this age. Make sure you are up to date on the campaign map to access the new age's Exploration Sites, where you can gather the majority of Dark Matter.


Space Hub Colony