Troska o jutro 2024: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

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== Odrodzenie i połączenie elementów ==
== Generowanie i łączenie elementów ==
{| style="width: 90%;
{| style="width: 90%;
!style="text-align: center;" |[[File:SpawnCFT.png|100px]]<br>'''Spawn'''
!style="text-align: center;" |[[File:SpawnCFT.png|100px]]<br>'''Spawn'''
|This event features the return of the merge mechanic! When the event starts, you will gain access to a board full of fascinating pieces. Most of these pieces will be locked in place behind the glass. To break the glass and unlock the piece, you need a moveable matching piece of the same type and level.
| W tym evencie powraca mechanika scalania! Kiedy Event się rozpocznie, uzyskacie dostęp do planszy pełnej fascynujących elementów. Większość z nich będzie zamknięta za szybą. Aby rozbić szybę i odblokować element, potrzebujecie ruchomego, pasującego elementu tego samego rodzaju i poziomu.
To get the moveable piece, click on the Spawner button. This button will use Workers to spawn the piece. You can then use this newly spawned piece to "break the glass" and free up a locked piece of the same size and color. Doing so, you will also level up your piece and can use it to continue merging. Every new merge with a locked piece will also get you a small reward and Grand Prize progress. The higher the level of the piece, the bigger the reward!
Aby zdobyć ruchomy element, wystarczy kliknąć przycisk Powielacza  . Ten przycisk użyje robotników do wygenerowania elementu. Następnie można użyć tego nowo wygenerowanego elementu, aby "rozbić szybę" i uwolnić zablokowane elementy tego samego rozmiaru i koloru. Każde nowe połączenie z zablokowanymi elementami pozwoli również na zdobycie małej nagrody i postępu na drodze do Wielkiej Nagrody. Im wyższy poziom elementu, tym większa nagroda!
'''Different pieces will get you different type rewards depending on their type. Check out the Cheat Sheet under the board to see which rewards you can get'''
'''Uwaga: elementy pozwalają na zdobycie różnych rodzajów nagród w zależności od ich typu. Sprawdźcie Ściągawkę pod planszą, aby dowiedzieć się, jakie nagrody możecie zdobyć!'''

Wersja z 20:51, 22 lip 2024

CARE A Loading Screen 1.jpg

'Witamy w evencie Troska o jutro 2024! W tym roku rozpoczynamy epicką misję ratowania naszej planety.


Wyrusz w ekscytującą podróż - z dr Sereną Verde - gdzie praca zespołowa, badania i strategia są kluczowe. Odblokuj potężne nowe narzędzia i odkryj sekrety Najazdów Kwantowych podczas gry. Gotowy, by zostać bohaterem dla planety? Weź udział w evencie i zmień świat na lepsze!

Jak wziąć udział w evencie?

Co nowego

Wyzwanie świata

Z radością przedstawiamy Wyzwanie świata, to część naszego nadchodzącego eventu Troska o jutro! Razem, nasze 234 światy gry będą dążyć do posadzenia ponad 200 000 drzew w prawdziwym życiu. Każdy świat ma wspólną misję, aby osiągnąć postęp w wydarzeniu i osiągnąć cel posadzenia ponad 900 drzew na serwer. To Twoja szansa, aby wywrzeć znaczący wpływ na naszą planetę, jednocześnie ciesząc się grą, którą kochasz. Współpracuj, opracowuj strategie i pracuj razem z innymi graczami, aby osiągnąć ten wspólny cel. Każde podjęte działanie przybliża nas o krok do bardziej ekologicznej przyszłości. Zjednoczmy się i pokażmy, że nasza społeczność może osiągnąć niesamowite rzeczy. Weź udział w wydarzeniu Troska o jutro, ukończ światowe wyzwanie i pomóż nam stworzyć trwałe dziedzictwo dla naszej planety!

Mechanika Wyzwania świata

Połącz siły ze wszystkimi graczami ze swojego świata i zrób jak największe postępy w Wyzwaniu świata! Postępy uzyskuje się poprzez odblokowywanie elementów na planszy eventu Troska o jutro.

Aby uzyskać dostęp do eventu, kliknij ikonę eventu w lewym górnym rogu.


Spowoduje to otwarcie głównego okna eventu

CFT EventWindow.png

Generowanie i łączenie elementów

W tym evencie powraca mechanika scalania! Kiedy Event się rozpocznie, uzyskacie dostęp do planszy pełnej fascynujących elementów. Większość z nich będzie zamknięta za szybą. Aby rozbić szybę i odblokować element, potrzebujecie ruchomego, pasującego elementu tego samego rodzaju i poziomu.

Aby zdobyć ruchomy element, wystarczy kliknąć przycisk Powielacza . Ten przycisk użyje robotników do wygenerowania elementu. Następnie można użyć tego nowo wygenerowanego elementu, aby "rozbić szybę" i uwolnić zablokowane elementy tego samego rozmiaru i koloru. Każde nowe połączenie z zablokowanymi elementami pozwoli również na zdobycie małej nagrody i postępu na drodze do Wielkiej Nagrody. Im wyższy poziom elementu, tym większa nagroda!

Uwaga: elementy pozwalają na zdobycie różnych rodzajów nagród w zależności od ich typu. Sprawdźcie Ściągawkę pod planszą, aby dowiedzieć się, jakie nagrody możecie zdobyć!


Convert pieces into keys
Each locked piece will also come with a key part: either a top part or a bottom part. Pay close attention to these when you are choosing which pieces to merge! If you merge two pieces with key parts, those parts will be combined into a full key. But remember - to make a full key you need to merge a top part and a bottom part, as well as matching the colors and sizes of the pieces.

Feed the pieces with a full key into your Converter to remove the piece from the board and free up the key. Keys can be created on pieces of many sizes, but the bigger the piece, the more keys you will get for converting that piece! You can also receive one per day from Daily Challenges.

The Boosters

Use the boosters to pave ease your way to success!

Cell Multiplier
The Cell Multiplier spawns new pieces onto your board without needing any workers. If there's room on the board, a new piece magically appears, complete with an animation to mark its arrival. A notification will pop up to inform you of the new addition. But beware, if the board is full, you'll be alerted that there's no room for more.
Cell Divider
Use this booster on a piece, and it breaks down into two pieces of the level just below it, doubling your strategic options. If a piece holds a key, the two new pieces inherit this key, ensuring your hard-earned progress is never lost. Note: This booster only works on free pieces.
Rainbow Essence
This booster transforms all pieces of a single color on the board to colorless, opening up new combo possibilities. Colorless pieces can merge with any color, adopting that color and retaining any key parts. However, these versatile pieces cannot be added to the converter, and their special status comes with unique rules for merging and splitting.

Open chests for rewards

Open chest for rewards
Keys can be used to unlock chests to give you a chance to win the Daily Special, among a variety of other useful resources! Your first chest of each day will also have a bonus increasing the prizes you gain from that chest, so pick your first chest of the day carefully!

The objective is to clear all the piece combinations on the board and collect all of the keys required to open the reward chests. If you have unlocked all of the locked pieces on the board, you can reset the board for free to populate it with new pieces and keep matching. But most importantly, you get a board completion reward for the finished board!

Feeling stuck? Don't worry, you can also reset the board with locked pieces still on it. One refresh per day is free; after this you will have to spend Event Currency to reset the board. If you have a lot of pieces left on the board, you'll gain some bonus keys when you progress to a new board!

Tips and tricks

Make use of the Boosters!
If you need more matches but lack Event Currency, spawn more Pieces without spending Event Currency with Booster 1. You also have a chance to get a colorless piece!

An abundance of small locked Pieces on the board but nothing to match them with? Use Booster 2 to break down a higher-level piece into two lower-level pieces. Note: any keys or key parts on the higher-level piece will be retained on both lower-level pieces.
Need more versatility for your matches? Use Booster 3! It converts all pieces of one color on the board to colorless. Colorless pieces can be merged with any color, but while they are colorless their keys can't be converted, so make sure to match any standalone colorless piece with a colored Piece. Make sure to use it, when you have as many pieces as possible from one color!


Merging is limitless
You can merge 2 pieces as often as you want, however at some point it is not worth it anymore. All piece variants (elements) have 4 levels. You get to a higher level by merging 2 of the same one. However, merging 2 level 4 pieces will result in another level 4 piece. This means, you should only merge level 4 pieces to unlock another level 4 piece, or to combine two key parts into a full key.

Merging with locked pieces provide Grand Prize progress and rewardslocked one, you receive a reward. You can already see what you will get by first clicking on the locked piece. It will display the Grand Prize progress and reward you will receive when unlocking it by merging.


Key parts are only on locked pieces
No matter how many pieces you spawn, none will have a key piece attached to it. Only the locked pieces on the board have a key part. So don't waste your precious Event Currency on trying to get more key parts!

Wind pieces have a higher chance to appear
Did you know, that wind pieces appear more often than other ones? This means you will get more Wind Keys in the end. So choose your chest on where to spend your keys wisely.

Remember the Daily Challenges
Daily Challenges are a part of this Event as well. Every day you have the option to choose the Event Key chest, providing 10 of one key variant or some Event Currency. Completing the challenges might give you just the right keys or remaining Event Currency you needed.

Incidents are important too

Not only Daily Challenges provide a reward for the Event, Incidents in and around your city do the same. They have a chance to provide you with some extra Event Currency to spawn more pieces!

Keys are here to stay

You don't have to worry about keys being lost when resetting or completing your board. They will stay until the Event is over. Only key parts left on the board might get lost.

Finishing the board provides extra keys and a great reward

Whenever you finish a board you get a random reward from the displayed chest. However, you also receive some keys, depending on what is left on your board. You get keys for the following: 1 key for every 10 pieces of the same element without a key part. 1 key for every 4 pieces of the same element with one key part. 1 key for every piece of the same element with a full key. This means you should always check what is left on your board before resetting. Spending a bit of Event Currency can make sure you get a couple extra keys!

Converting pieces is (almost) always a good idea

You probably already know, that you have to combine 2 different key parts to get a full key. What you may not know is, that depending on how big the pieces is, the amount of keys varies too! Level 3 pieces only provide 1 key when converted, while level 4 pieces provide 3! So make sure to always get your pieces to level 4.

Choose your chests carefully

Depending on what your aim for the event is, you should carefully think about what chest to choose. Bronze chests are great to spend one key variant for a great reward, including the most Daily Specials, however they provide less progress towards the Grand Prize. Golden chests provide less rewards, however they help you progress towards the Grand Prizes way better than smaller chests. Silver chests are a balance between both.

Chest rewards are doubled once per day

Every day, the first chest you open will provide double the rewards, including progress towards the Grand Prize. So make sure to collect at least one per day to get the most out of it. Also, you should open the biggest chest in these cases. It can also be good to open a couple chest on the previous day to get a better chest to double for the next day. Remember: The chests only change when you open one, they stay the same overnight!

Converting is better than finishing the board

You should always Convert your level 4 pieces with full keys before finishing your board (resetting it). This is because by finishing it, you only receive 1 key for every full key on the board, no matter if they are level 4 pieces or not. So to not lose out on keys, make sure to convert every one you have before finishing your board.

'You don't have to finish a board'

Sometimes it can be frustrating to get the last pieces to unlock the last pieces. We understand that and provided an option to reset the board. This will leave you with no extra keys and completion reward, however it gives you a new board to unlock a lot of pieces again. The first reset every day is free, afterwards it will cost an increasing amount of Event Currency per reset. The cost will be reset every day as well. If you play your cards right, resetting before completing a board can be beneficial!


World Challenge Certificates

At the end of the event, everyone who participated in the World Challenge will receive a special certificate for each world you have actively contributed to. This certificate will proudly display your personal contribution to the event and the number of trees you helped to plant. The certificates will be sent to you via the in-game messenger and, if you have a registered and confirmed email on your game account, via email as well.

World Challenge Rewards

Within the World Challenge, you will unlock rewards based on your own progress in the event and also gather rewards based on the overall progress of your world. As the world progresses to higher levels within the challenge, your individual rewards will also be improved. Global rewards are unlocked when your world reaches a new level and you have done your part to contribute to it! Individual rewards can be collected every time you reach a certain milestone in your individual contribution.

Important: Once you reach 20 progress, additional progress will be lost. Only once you collect your individual reward, the counter resets and you can once again collect progress.

Eco Hub

Every time you merge a previously locked piece or open a chest, you gain progress towards the Grand Prize. This year's Prize includes kits for our beautiful new building, Eco Hub! It does not require any road connection! The Eco Hub has a silver and golden upgrade to make it even more powerful!

Where to win it: Grand Prizes, Anniversary (Premium) Prizes, Leagues

Eko Hub
Upgrade kit EcoC.png A Level 1 Eco Hub can be found as the first grand prize reward of the questline and can then be upgraded using Eco Hub Upgrade Kits.
Eco Hub lv1.png
Eko Hub - poz. 1
Eco Hub lv2.png
Eko Hub - poz. 2
Eco Hub lv3.png
Eko Hub - poz. 3
Eko Hub - poz. 4
Eco Hub lv5.png
Eko Hub - poz. 5
Eco Hub lv6.png
Eko Hub - poz. 6
Eco Hub lv7.png
Eko Hub - poz. 7

Eko Centrum Eko Sanctum
Link= Use the Silver Upgrade Kit to upgrade your Eco Hub level 7 to the Eco Center. Link= Use the Golden Upgrade Kit to upgrade the Eco Center to the Eco Sanctum.
Eco Hub lv8.png
Eko Centrum
Eco Hub lv9.png
Eko Sanctum

Orchard of Orange Dreams

With no road connection and automatic levelling up as you age up, this new addition is a no brainer!

Where to win it: World Challenge

Pomarańczowy sad marzeń

Earth's Eden

Where to win it: Silver Event Pass Exclusive!

Ziemski Eden Wyższy Ziemski Eden
Ziemski Eden
Wyższy Ziemski Eden

Green Guardians Market

Where to win it: Gold Event Pass Exclusive!

Targowisko Zielonych Strażników 3x3 Wyższe Targowisko Zielonych Strażników 3x3
Targowisko Zielonych Strażników
Wyższe Targowisko Zielonych Strażników

EverGreen Hover Express

Turn your city into an eco paradise with our new buildings!

Where to win: exclusively as a League reward

EverGreen Hover Express - poz. 1 EverGreen Hover Express - poz. 2 EverGreen Hover Express - poz. 3
EverGreen Hover Express - poz. 1
EverGreen Hover Express - poz. 2
EverGreen Hover Express - poz. 3

Chrono Column

New general, not event exclusive time-limited reward building.

Where to win: Finish Board Reward

Chrono Kolumna - Aktywna Chrono Kolumna - Nieaktywna
Chrono Kolumna - Aktywna
Chrono Kolumna - Nieaktywna

Wish Fountain

New general, not event exclusive time-limited reward building.

Where to win: Finish Board Reward

Fontanna Życzeń - Aktywne Fontanna Życzeń - Nieaktywne
Fontanna Życzeń - Aktywne
WishFountain Ruin.png
Fontanna Życzeń - Nieaktywne


No new event would be complete without some great new avatars!

Arden Moss Silas Green Flora Reed Willow Briar Cedar Wren Jasper Wilder Hazel Grove Aurora Vale
ArdenMoss.png SilasGreen.png FloraReed.png WillowBriar.png CedarWren.png JasperWilder.png HazelGrove.png AuroraVale.png

Quest line 1 reward

Quest line 2 reward

League Rewards

Event Pass

Silver Pass Exclusive

Silver Pass Exclusive

Gold Pass Exclusive

Gold Pass Exclusive