Zestaw Zimowa Wioska

Z Forge of Empires - Wiki PL
Wersja z dnia 17:56, 21 lis 2018 autorstwa Wojciech (dyskusja | edycje) (Wojciech przeniósł stronę Winter Village Set do Zestaw Zimowa Wioska)
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Przejdź do nawigacji

Icon set winter village.png Zestaw Zimowa Wioska zawiera 9 budynków, które umieszczone obok siebie uzyskują dodatkowe bonusy!

Winter event buildings 2017.png

Namiot Madame Fortuny Namiot słomianych gwiazdek Halmbock
L SS AllAge WinterBonusSet17a 150.png
L SS AllAge WinterBonusSet17b 150.png
D SS MultiAge WinterBonusSet17a 150.png

0 Without other set buildings Medale
1 With 1 other set building Medale
2 With 2 other set buildings Medale
3 With 3 other set buildings Medale
4 With42 other set buildings 1 Punkty Rozwoju

0 Without other set buildings Medale
1 With 1 other set building Medale
2 With 2 other set buildings 1 Goods
3 With 3 other set buildings 1 Goods
4 With 4 other set buildings 1 Goods

0 Without other set buildings Happiness
1 With 1 other set building Happiness
2 With 2 other set buildings 1% Attack Bonus
3 With 3 other set buildings 2% Attack Bonus

Bufet szwedzki Namiot majsterkowicza Namiot świecarza
D SS MultiAge WinterBonusSet17b 150.png
D SS MultiAge WinterBonusSet17c 150.png
D SS MultiAge WinterBonusSet17d 150.png

0 Without other set buildings Happiness
1 With 1 other set building Happiness
2 With 2 other set buildings 2% Defense Bonus
3 With 3 other set buildings 3% Defense Bonus

0 Without other set buildings Happiness
1 With 1 other set building Happiness
2 With 2 other set buildings 2% Coin Boost
3 With 3 other set buildings 3% Coin Boost

0 Without other set buildings Happiness
1 With 1 other set building Happiness
2 With 2 other set buildings 2%Supplies Boost
3 With 3 other set buildings 3% Supplie Boost

Budka cukiernika Łąka łosi Budka wytwórcy zabawek
R SS MultiAge WinterBonusSet17a 150.png
R SS MultiAge WinterBonusSet17b 150.png
R SS MultiAge WinterBonusSet17c 150px.png

0 Without other set buildings Coins
1 With 1 other set building Coins
2 With 2 other set buildings Supplies
3 With 3 other set buildings Medali
4 With 4 other set buildings 1 Punkt Rozwoju

0 Without other set buildings Coins
1 With 1 other set building Coins
2 With 2 other set buildings Supplies
3 With 3 other set buildings 1 Punkty Rozwoju
4 With 4 other set buildings 5 Goods

0 Without other set buildings Coins
1 With 1 other set building Coins
2 With 2 other set buildings Supplies
3 With 3 other set buildings 5 Goods
4 With 4 other set buildings 1 Punkty Rozwoju